Time Sensitive

Time Sensitive ads consist of either showing the exact time of day, or counting down to a specific date and time. The ability that these ads have is to create a sense of urgency to take action, unlike any other ad design.
Consider implementing Time Sensitive ads as a low-funnel strategy to drive conversions by retargeting users who have visited your site, but did not make a purchase or take action. Countdowns can be a great way to encourage a purchase before a sale ends, before inventory runs out, or prior to a tentpole event. By showing the current time the audience is located in, it can provoke action before the end of the day.
Time Sensitive ads are so versatile, they can be used for a wide variety of verticals. Countdowns can be used for registration deadlines, upcoming sporting or musical events, new product releases, webinars - and of course, e-commerce sales. Current time ads can be used for evergreen commodities, such as buying groceries, food delivery, transportation and health and fitness. Paired with messaging that invokes that there is still enough time in the day to complete a desired action, or make a purchase. In either scenario, Time Sensitive ads are a great fit for most PR campaigns, whether they are actively seeking donations, signatures, engagement with a movement etc. All in all, 'the time is now' approach is here to stay, because it brings in big results. Amidst a sea of content, Time Sensitive ads tend to stand out from the competition and create the poential fear of missing out.